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I see you pulled the Windows version? Will it be put up again? The web version doesn’t run great for me. Thanks!

(1 edit)

Sadly it won't let me upload the windows version during the rating process. I'm so sorry. 

The game works on mobile, if you have a good mobile device, load the page up on mobile and you should be able to play it just fine :) 

No problem, I’ll keep trying or just wait until after the voting closes (another idea is to create a post-jam project version where you can continue the game there and add new features, fixes, etc.)

Clean graphics and animations. I wasn't sure when I was taking damage or not until after I stopped. Also waiting for the arrows to line up slows the gameplay down a little but those are minor quibbles. I enjoyed the game.

Neat game. The Windows version is the same as the Linux one so please re-upload.

Good game, the movement style makes me thing of "getting over it", and it has the difficulty aswell, but all and all, its a good game.